Kanari Storm is a union between Blu Kanari Productions and Rainestorm Productions. It began as a production house for dark comedy short films, though together they have also produced films in other genres such as Rabbit and Life Support.
Kanari Storm is currently in development on their first feature and has several other projects in post-production.
Founder and Producer
“I’m a huge fan of Edgar Wright, David Fincher, Wes Anderson, and Ari Astor. They all have a unique vision and demonstrate a mastery of their craft. We endeavor to hone our craft in much the same way with each of our films.”
Co-Founder and Producer
“Anyone who’s made a film will tell you how difficult it can be, and one of the keys to success is assembling a crew who can deliver. Kanari Storm seeks to align itself with filmmakers who don’t just want to excel but to transcend.”
“As Roger Ebert so beautifully put it, films are empathy machines. I’m honored to have the chance to work with a group of filmmakers in Kanari Storm who tell stories that capture the imagination and explore the human condition. Whether it’s a light-hearted tale, a dark comedy or a serious drama, the team brings its unique perspective to the process and delivers something unexpected and entertaining.”
“I am committed to lifelong learning, growing, and refining my art and craft. Presently I love score composers Fernando Velazquez and Alberto Iglesias.”